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  • johnpedley

Unblock the pavement!

Updated: Aug 10, 2021

I didn't go to a high fluting school or university but even in the grammar school I attended I was taught simple English. The type of English that the Cambridge Dictionary uses. Hey this is their interpretation of the noun 'pavement'.

  • PAVEMENT : a path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a road, that people walk on If you happen to prefer American English then just replace 'Pavement' with 'Sidewalk' and potentially 'road' with 'black tar'.

In my simple interpretation the key elements are 'People' and 'Walk on '.

Why then do so may motorists (again a noun meaning: 'a person who drives a car' although I like to expand this meaning to be any vehicle) have such a battle understanding the concept? What were they doing when they should have been listening to their English teacher? Admittedly on occasion I too drifted off into some day dream about whether 'XXX' who I fancied but couldn't muster up the courage to ask out might also fancy me but hey, maybe only subliminally I know what 'Pavement' means. Passing my driving test allowed me to drive a car without supervision but didn't affect my understanding of the English language or so I believe.

OK - Now that I have highlighted motorists as not listening to their English teacher let's turn our attention to another group of people who have potentially thrown their dictionary in the local authority recycling collection box. This group of people are classed as 'Homeowners' & 'Residents' - both nouns!


These delightful people have decided that they should perform a social service to delight the neighbourhood with the benefits of their trees, shrubs and hedges and make certain that passers by notice them by allowing them to dominate the pavement.

Who wouldn't be delighted to encounter a dominant unmanaged privet hedge? Well let me be the first to say 'ME!!!'

Van blocking the whole pavement advertising 'Drivers wanted'
Hopefully the new drivers attracted will be less inconsiderate!

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