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  • johnpedley

The new litter game - The sixth week

Each day that passes brings with it pups with more energy and more entertainment. The pups have become confident and are always keen on meeting new visitors to the house especially if they are wearing shoes with shoe laces!

Handling the pups is still an important daily task - task is a strange word to use as it portrays drudgery. It's fun and rewarding to handle them, cuddle them and give them the obligatory belly rubs. Having a dog that is happy with being fussed and handled will reduce issues in later life. These guys are going to look stunning so will attract attention from folk wanting to say hello and fuss them. Likewise any vet or grooming visit is going to less stressful if they are used to and happy with being prodded and poked.

Dog on a log
Winstan, Wilbur and Willow practicing 'Dog on a log'

Convincing the pups to eat from bowls rather than mum continues well. Adding a bit of routine is also handy so that they begin to associate certain events (a demented 'Pup, pup, pup' call) with behaviours that are expected of them. This routine also involves a 'Hurry up' vocal call when they are caught toileting and a comforting praise when they have toileted. If only it were summer and this routine could be done in the garden more often!

Battle - Wilbur and Winstan
Wilbur and Winstan

Battle Wren and Wilbur
Wren and Wilbur

Boisterous is becoming a common description I'm using when people ask me what they are like. They are interacting well with each other and with their toys. Their play can be rough but so far I've not needed to intervene because it has got over the top but it is something that I'm monitoring to ensure that none of them end up in distress. So far it has been tit for tat without any malice.

Wilbur in the car crate
Wilbur in the Car Crate

All the pups are happily entering the crate that will be used for car journeys and potentially as their sleeping quarters when they move on to their socialisers. I've started to split the pups up at night so that they get used to not being together and are happy sleeping where they are put. The girls have been in the crate and the boys in the whelping box. Thankfully this has not caused any issues and they appear comfortable. I've also introduced a crate in my car and have so far just spent short periods sat with them with them in there individually. I'll start to undertake short car journeys with them in it so that they get used to the new noises and motion. They'll have their first formal car journey to the vets for their vaccinations soon so it'll help to reduce part of that experience if they're comfortable with the car.

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