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  • johnpedley

The new litter game - The fifth week

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Time is rolling on and it's getting to be more of a battle to get the pups to stand still whilst they get weighed. The readings may not be 100% accurate but they are certainly showing no reason for concern. All the pups are increasing their weight nicely.

The tough part of having growing pups is that the older they get the more handling they need to get so that they become comfortable with being fussed by people they know as well as people new to them. Undertaking daily health checks and handling them all over their body aims to have the added benefit of a calm dog when they visit the vet and endure any prodding and probing required.

An electric tooth brush is helping to desensitise the pups from the sounds, vibrations and sensations that they'll ultimately experience should they need grooming and clipping. The pups have Working Cocker Spaniels as mum and dad so will not require the amount of clipping that longer haired dogs require but regardless prevention is always better than cure!

Shouting "Pup, Pup, Pup" in an excited voice when their food bowls go down is having increasing effect. They are starting to stop what they are doing and run towards the food bowls. This association of the demented shouting with food leads from the experiments that Pavlov undertook on conditioning behaviour in the 1890's.

As the pups are getting closer to having to visit the vet for their first vaccinations and for microchipping, I've introduced a crate into their environment. Leaving the door open so that they can investigate a their own pace will help them feel less distressed when they are transported for the vet visit. I have introduced a soft toy inside for them to retrieve and am pleased to note that a couple of the pups have chosen to take 40 winks inside. The next step will be to place the crate in the car and slowly introduce this new environment along with it's new smells etc.

Unfortunately it has either been too cold or too wet to spend much time outside in the garden but they have been carried around in the safety of a warm snuggle to be introduced to the bird feeder, Glasshouse, Garage and on occasion some quite strong winds. They're spaniels after all and will ultimately provide endless entertainment to their socialisers on windy days by having uncontrollable ears!

Their brains are developing quickly and each day they are making noticeable progress in the way that they are reacting and responding to things around them. Their curiosity and eagerness to play with their siblings and mum results in sudden slumber (a chance to breathe!) Friends and neighbours have been visiting and cooing at their cuteness - some are less enthusiastic about the fact that they are not completely toilet trained but I'm taking solace and am encouraged by the fct that at least their sleeping area is less soiled. Work in progress.

Other posts in this new litter series:

Week 5

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