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  • johnpedley

Thank you for making me Proud beyond words

Crumpet with Mummy Roo
Crumpet with Mummy Roo

There is a very special person out there that I want to thank for their fabulously generous donation back in 2020. This person has enabled one of my gorgeous girls Valentines litter, Crumpet, to be socialised, developed and trained so that she has now passed her final assessment to be a life changing support dog for a deaf recipient.

Back in 2020 when Roo, my Hearing dog brood had her Valentine's day litter the charity approached me to ask if one of them could be named by a generous donor. The litter was also classified as the 'C' litter, each new litter getting names beginning with the next letter of the alphabet. How could I refuse when the name was 'Crumpet' and the charity were benefiting from such generosity?

The 'C' litter - Crumpet 3rd on bottom row
The 'C' litter - Crumpet 3rd on bottom row

Crumpet was part of a delightful litter of eight that made the first Covid-19 lockdown something that I remember with absolute joy. I was locked down with a bonkers mum, as can be seen by her showing off her Houdini act and eight delightful pups! I benefitted from experiencing their development from totally dependent pups on mum, to how they blossomed once their eyes and ears opened and they started to explore this strange world they'd been born into. Each day brought new experiences and watching their reactions to what was happening around them was a non stop entertainment system better than any Netflix, Amazon Prime or FreeView!

Valentine's day litter eviction
Valentine's day litter eviction

Ultimately my time with the litter ended with me evicting them - or rather them moving on to fabulous volunteers who continued the socialisation and introduction of environments and experiences that as a support dog they just need to take in their stride. The funding that this generous donor provided ensured that this was possible and now the super talented Crumpet will be instrumental in reducing the isolation that Hearing Loss brings and build on the confidence of her recipient to lead a more independent life. I had eight wonderful weeks to benefit from this generous donors' contribution. Many others have benefited from being involved in Crumpet's development - but ultimately this donor has enabled a HUGE difference to be made to a deaf persons life - THANK YOU FROM EVERYONE!

The charity has several ways of sponsoring the development and training of their clever dogs. These include:

Name a puppy:

Sponsor a puppy:

Lifetime partnership package

and MANY more ways - To find out more about the support options:

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