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  • johnpedley

Stop poo pooing achievement

A huge congratulations to all the children who have achieved record A-level and GCSE results in 2021. To have achieved this in a period that has been full of the turmoil of lockdowns, virtual tuition and growth in social and mental health problems is truly commendable.

Listening to media reports biased towards putting down the achievement due to the grades being based on teacher assessment is troubling. Why is there a general undercurrent of trying to poo poo the fabulous achievement due to something completely out of the children's' control. Why try to demotivate these clever children by accusations that their teachers have given undeserved grades. What's wrong with adding to the motivation that these children will have by giving them rightful praise and therefore motivating them to continue to achieve with their academic or work experiences?

There is also a dig at teachers I suggest - Hey you guys you've allocated grades that are not in line with those deserved by the children! Again I wish to highlight that teachers have experienced exactly the same turmoil and have undertaken rapid adaptation to the changes imposed by pandemic guidelines. Teachers too need to be motivated in order to continue to excel in developing young people.

If teacher assessment provides greater motivation to both pupils and teachers then surely as a society it's a win win situation. Why would we wish to return to an exam based system that reduces that motivation achieved through achievement.

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