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  • johnpedley

'Sound of Metal – A hearing loss triumph or tragedy?'

Following the review that a fellow Hearing Link Volunteer shared in April 2021 I was intrigued to find out more. I therefore poured myself a drink and sat down with Amazon Prime to watch 'Sound of Metal – A hearing loss triumph or tragedy?'

Did I enjoy it? - Well honestly 'No' but not because it is a bad film, quite the contrary it is excellently put together with fine acting. It rightly won 2 Oscars (Best Sound and Best Sound Editing). I didn't enjoy it because it brought back too many memories of my own experience of Hearing loss albeit gradual rather than sudden and it highlighted current issues only too well that I try to discard in daily life.

Do I recommend watching it? - Absolutely! It isn't an easy watch and it may trigger memories that you hoped you'd archived but it is a film that highlights issues that anyone with hearing loss will relate to. I wish I'd seen it prior to a recent particularly challenging and uncomfortable discussion with a close friend about what the point of having a Hearing Dog is. Their flippant comments regarding the fact that any dog will alert you to someone at the door got my hackles rising. Comments made through ignorance rather than to be offensive but the positive side was that they had the courtesy to listen to my extended replies highlighting the isolation and confidence loss that accredited assistance dogs reverse.

The way the sound is dealt with in the film is inspiring. Brutal but hey that's what people with hearing loss contend with 24/7. When I recommend people to give this film a viewing I will make a point of highlighting that the range of sounds and the way they are transmitted in the film is how deaf people experience life from one to one contact to large social gatherings. Once someone with no hearing issues experiences this film they will hopefully be in a better position to empathise and work on better communication strategies when they encounter people with this essentially hidden disability.

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