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  • johnpedley

Hey - to me you're on mute!

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

Hearing loss is essentially a hidden disability which affects roughly 1 in 6 people many of whom are unaware or refuse to accept their hearing loss.

Unlike some disabilities where it is easier to see the signpost of a disability ( a wheelchair for mobility impaired people ) it is often hard to see the aids that are used by hearing loss people to deal with their situation. ( Hearing aids, cochlear implants, use of lip reading ) and so this may lead to a perception that sufferers are anti-social or ignorant when they appear to ignore social interactions such as greeting pleasantries.

Often if members of the public don't get a reciprocated 'Good morning' when passing on the street they will eventually cease trying to engage in conversation. Clearly this can lead to increased isolation on the part of the sufferer.

If you are reading this as someone who is finding it hard to come to terms with losing your hearing then please be aware that there are lots of people and resources that are willing and capable of supporting you. Please muster the courage to discuss your hearing loss with your doctor (G.P.) and ask whether they will refer you to an audiologist for a hearing test. This article helpfully details organisations that may be of interest to adults with hearing loss, their friends and families. [ ]

If you are reading this as someone who has normal hearing then please be aware that the person you just thought had ignored you may not have heard your cheery 'Hello!' Don't give up on them. Give them the benefit of the doubt and the next time you see them do something that attracts their attention before your cheery hello - If they still ignore you then hey - at least you've tried.

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