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  • johnpedley

Hearing Dogs experience

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

Ask my closest friends what I was like a couple of years ago and they’d likely say ‘An unhappy, frustrated chap losing some of his mojo.’

They’d not be far wrong. I was in a job for an organisation that had made my life great, they’d been taken over by bean counters however and the guys that I reported into had all but beaten any initiative out of me citing that I wasn’t to do anything that wasn’t in the objectives they set for the year. They cut out my interaction with colleagues in other departments. The 9 to 5 corporate life had become a misery.

Roll on a couple of years to now and they’d likely say ‘We’ve got him back’

How? Well having taken some time out volunteering on a farm in South Africa to test what it was like not having the 9 to 5 regime, I decided that early retirement so that I could focus more on voluntary roles would be better for my mental health. At least I’d be interacting with more people. I applied for a Hearing Dog brood and was visited and vetted by the head of the breeding program and thankfully was accepted as one of her team of volunteers. It wasn’t immediate. She advised that she had a couple of potential broods that would be a good match but that they’d need to pass their rigorous health tests first.

BUT WOW – the wait was worth it as I was asked if I would look after a spaniel who it was hoped would transition from his Hearing Dogs training to a become a customs sniffer dog. One day in with him and I thought ‘What on earth have I taken on?’ This guy was like dynamite on steroids! Luckily after a couple of days we got into our routine and this dynamite on steroids stole my heart due to him being the happiest dog I’ve ever met. Incredibly then, I wasn’t unhappy when he moved on as I knew he’d be having the time of his life and be as happy as ever.

The broods, who were sisters passed their tests and I was partnered with one of them. She’d been well prepared by a Hearing Dog puppy socialiser so the transition of this boisterous, fast but well-rounded Working Cocker Spaniel into my care was quick and easy. As a brood she was introduced to a handsome Show Cocker Spaniel stud when she next came into season and produced the perfect 2020 Valentine’s day present of 8 puppies. Soon after they were born all the normal (if you can remember normal) plans that the breeding team had instructed me on for their development had to be revised. The national Covid-19 lockdown and the charity’s high regard for staff, volunteer and service user safety meant that 1 to 1 visits and social house visits had to stop. Visits by the team may have stopped but their support was in abundance. At a time when the country was going into melt down, I was having the greatest of times being distracted by 8 mischievous puppies and my best buddy, their mum. The puppies moved on in a Covid-19 safe way to their socialisers and whilst I have not met any of them it is nice to have updates via the social media links which re-enforce the team spirit of the charity.

So, step back – why have my friends got me back again?

I’m happy and content with my life again. The breeding team have entrusted an energetic, entertaining, demanding, invariably wet and muddy dream dog into my care. The 9 to 5 drudgery routine has been replaced by a desire to get out in the fresh air and exercise regardless of the weather. Having a dog means that people talk to you. I can’t remember the last walk we had when we didn’t get caught up in a conversation.

The Hearing Dogs extended family interacting via social media channels have become friends even though I’ve not met 99% of them.

I have acquired purpose again for my actions and initiative, purpose which is supported by the Hearing Dogs organisation. The charity rightly ensures that its’ dogs are well cared for and in so doing has ensured that I feel equally supported.

But hey – I have a gorgeous brood as a buddy and if she thinks I’ve been a good boy I get to give her a belly rub – Life is good!

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