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  • johnpedley

A New Year Resolution - 2022

Well we make them - We break them - But what makes this year so special?

Love them or hate them the clanking of Champagne glasses and 'Auld Lang Syne' at the strike of midnight normally commits us to punishing exercise routines, diets that make us cringe and alcohol promises. 2021 is slightly different in my household. My beautiful dog gave birth to 4 pups so that they'd be able to see in the New Year. The World War 3 firework display from a near neighbour was just too much for her to hold the births back. Strange really as the pups are born with their eyes and ears closed. So in the event it was just me and her that were looking at each other thinking - " WOW that must have cost a lot! "

The resolution I needed to make was to make the most of the joy of having puppies around prior to them moving onto their future socialisers. I say I needed, how hard would it be not to enjoy?? - A soft touch heh?

Since giving birth it is wonderful to watch the natural instincts take over - Nobody, least of all me has told her what she needs or should do. She just does it. I watch in wonderment at how she attends to the puppies needs and am certainly looking forward to making the most of the joy that she shares with me in the coming weeks whilst we share in the development of her offspring before they move on to their next adventures.

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